The comfort found in worn out scales,
Make me feel like I did as a kid.
Four strings always felt like home to me,
More than six strings ever did.
Simple melodies in the air,
And harmonies from within.
The way I see the world these days,
It’s hard to know where to begin.
The years tick by around us,
And life comes at you fast.
But what I would give to anyone,
To relive some of the past.
The first time I held a guitar,
Or the moment of my first kiss.
The first listen of my favourite song,
Or the nights that were hit or miss.
I’d hug you one last time,
I’d do the extra shot.
I’d tell you how much I loved you,
Because I think you might’ve forgot.
I can’t believe I live in a world,
Where your voice no longer exists.
The memories of long gone years,
They are the knife that twists.
It’s hard for me to accept
The things I’ll never do again.
The simple things I took for granted,
The regret is tough to explain.
But comfort can be found anywhere,
And I’ve found it in healing nostalgia.
The days ahead are looking bright,
I guess that’s where I’ve found you.