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No Justice. No Peace.


They say if you're not angry then you're not paying attention,

But I'm livid and I feel like even I'm not paying enough attention.

These people that say the destruction is wrong aren't really listening,

Because if they were listening, then things would be different.

Look around, open your eyes,

It's the fucking revolution,

I swear to a God I don't believe in

They better re-write this constitution.

''It's too over grown, the hedges of racism are too wild.''

Well I hope they'd feel the same if it was their child.

But they wouldn't, 'cause they don't, and they play on the difference,

Unfortunately for them if you're not with us you're against us.

Side by side we stand, I can't imagine how you feel,

But I tell you this ain't over 'til the freedom's fucking real.

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